Wednesday, February 4, 2009

15 years ago

15 years ago I just turned 19...
15 years ago the year was 1994...
15 years ago I lived in Edmonton...
15 years ago I worked as a nanny...
15 years ago...

Today is my 15th anniversary... WOW... that is a lifetime ago... that is impressive now a days...

It has not always been a bed of roses... I don't think I expected it to be.

My marriage has had its trials, triumphs, victories, sadness & happiness...

In our 15 years together, we have moved to a different province, and back again, have become parents not once but twice, we have separated not once but twice, we have lived in 8 different residences, have gone through 5 different vehicles and combined, 9 different jobs...

One thing has always remaind the same... our love, our respect and our happiness for one another... We stand strong, we stand united.... Marriage is work... its not easy... but if done right... is wonderful all on its own!!!